Dental Implants

Why You Shouldn’t Skip Your Dental Checkups

Visits to the dentist two times each year aren’t appointments that most people look forward to. However, it is necessary to keep these appointments. 

There are many reasons why people skip these checkups. Some feel anxious with the thought of visiting the clinic while others don’t have the time. At times, cost becomes an issue for some people. But we at Dental Clinic know from experience that patients must consider various risks related to these lapses.

“ Habits, like clenching your jaw, chewing your nails, grinding your teeth and chewing ice can affect your dental health. ”

Bardley Folly

Even when you brush and floss diligently, some areas of the mouth remain neglected. Plaque buildup ultimately solidifies into tartar and becomes very difficult to remove without professional help. When you get regular dental cleanings, it helps to prevent tartar from creating cavities in your teeth or eroding them. 

Cavities do not give any warnings when they form. Only after significant decay has occurred do you notice the first signs like pain and inflammation due to the infection. At this point, treatments like root canal and crowns become the only option, which proves to be far more expensive than regular dental cleanings.


Aspects to Consider in Checkups

Regular Cleanings

Helps Keep Bad Habits In Check

Keeps Gum Disease At Bay

Chewing Issues & Orthodontic Checks

Oral Cancer Detection

Teeth Whitening Treatment

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