A root canal is a treatment used for teeth that have severely infected blood vessels and nerves. An infected root/nerve causes a significant amount of swelling, inflammation, and pain. Leaving it untreated can result in the spread of the infection and permanent damage to the jawbone. We at Dental Clinic provide superior root canal treatments to curb the infection and quickly restore your oral health.
“ Expert and experienced dental professionals will always ensure that their patients have complete information about the treatment they are to undergo. ”
During a root canal treatment, all of the infected matter is cleared from the decayed root. The dentist removes the dental pulp, which holds all the connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves. Once the infection has been cleared, what is left behind is a clean tooth.
A root canal saves the patient the hassle and expense of getting an implant. Depending on the severity of the decay or infection, a crown may or may not be needed. This procedure may seem intimidating, but it is neither complicated nor painful.
Condition assessment
Dental cement filling
Root canal cleaning
Insert dental pulp
Respects the parent’s opinion.
Placing the crown