If your child has teeth, it’s not too early to start routine dental visits! The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends that children should see the dentist by around the time of their first birthday (12 months). Why so early? There are three primary reasons to bring infants to the dentist.
“ Don’t worry if your child is already older than one year. It’s always a good time to bring children in for a first visit. ”
Forgoing dental care at a young age can increase the risk of developing cavities in baby teeth. Primary teeth are smaller than adult teeth and have thinner enamel. This means that tooth decay can spread more rapidly than in adults.
If you wait for a child to tell you he or she has a toothache before visiting a dentist, you ensure that his or her first dental visit will be colored by anxiety. We want your child to know that the dentist’s office is a place where good things happen; early preventive visits help get your child started on a lifetime of anxiety-free dentistry and good oral health.
Source: https://luckdentalclinic.com/
Get acclimated to the dental office
Spot any potential areas of concern
The processes for oral health checks
Benefits from early intervention
Discuss children’s oral health
Help monitor your child